How IDEA changes lives and Improves Careers
Our Programs aim to meet contemporary and future workplace demands of Employers and Industries who require flexible problem solvers who can lead, manage and collaborate in order to create people-centred solutions that have positive impacts on people and communities whilst remaining sustainable, financially viable and profitable.
Ar. Ruchi Vachani
Ar. Yakin Kinger
Ar. Richa Mandora
Ar. Harsh Dang
Ar. Maria Eapen
Ar. Ganesh Keskar
Courses we Offer
Academic Articulation Partnership with Vidyavardhan’s IDEA
Learning Resources
We regularly organise study tours to different parts of the country in order to explore and study various regions.
At IDEA, we have digital learning management system with over 10,000 knowledge objects stored in our
Library of books, documentaries, films and images on various topics are available 24 x 7 to our students
The Best Courses. Learn anytime & anywhere
We at IDEA continue to strive to provide a cohesive environment to the students. Since its inception we conduct Co-Curriculum activities such as Design studios, Dialogues, Talks which help students gain valuable experience.